Emerging Developer Grants


The Grand Rapids Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (BRA) has prioritized supporting new and emerging developers through the Local Brownfield Revolving Fund (LBRF). The Emerging Developer Grant program is focused on providing support to new and emerging developers for predevelopment expenses necessary to obtain site plan approval for a future project.

Emerging Developer Grants can be used to pay for the following expenses:

  • Site Planning
  • Environmental Site Assessments
  • Survey
  • Architectural Services
  • Engineering (Geotechnical, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Civil)

Program Eligibility

In order to be eligible for Emerging Developer Grant funding, you must:

  • Meet the emerging developer definition (as defined in the LBRF Emerging Developer Program Guidelines linked below)
  • Be supported by a more experienced developer or development company.
  • Provide a description of the proposed future project.
  • Submit a scope of work outlining the predevelopment expenses requested to be funded by the grant.
  • Pay a one-time application fee (amount provided annually by the BRA).


If you would like to apply for an Emerging Developer grant, call us at 616-456-3431 or email us at econdevshrd@grcity.us to discuss your project.
