The Uptown Business Improvement District will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 8:00 AM at Louise Earl Butcher, 1106 Wealthy Street SE Grand Rapids. If you have any questions, you may contact the Economic Development Office at 616-456-3431.
Uptown BID Page
Grand Rapids Economic Development Corporation's tax-exempt revenue bond program provides financing for manufacturing businesses and eligible non-profit organizations for capital expenditures. Eligible applicants will be located in Grand Rapids, and have a project that includes any or all of the following costs: land and/or building acquisition, building renovation or new construction, machinery and equipment purchases, and certain related soft costs.
Tax-exempt bond financing terms will be unique to each project, but may be attractive for certain projects because it may have lower interest rates, longer terms, can potentially finance 100% of a project's costs, and the interest on the bonds is not taxable.
The first step to exploring eligibility for this program is to contact our office to discuss qualifications.