Our team is responsible for all business retention, expansion, and attraction projects for the City of Grand Rapids. We are your business advocate to ensure you can access all programs and resources available for your business.
Economic Development Director srainero@grand-rapids.mi.us
Economic Development Coordinator Brownfield and Tax Abatements cborg@grcity.us
Economic Development Coordinator SmartZone LDFA jturner@grcity.us
Economic Development Coordinator Brownfield and Tax Abatements jsolis@grcity.us
Administrative Analyst Corridor Improvement Authorities vnarh@grcity.us
Business Manager dbooth@grcity.us
Economic Development Assistant cbuczkowski@grcity.us
The Equitable Economic Development & Mobility Strategic Plan (the Plan) serves as a guide for the departments of Economic Development and Mobile GR. It provides recommendations on policies, programs and investments. The strategies in the Plan focus on outcomes and operations through 2025.
Grand Rapids is located between Chicago and Detroit in Western Michigan, and is the state’s second-largest city with a population of 200,000. It is the urban center of a growing region of more than 1 million people.
Here are a few of our partners that help us make development happen in Grand Rapids.