The North Quarter encompasses two business districts in their development area: Creston and Cheshire.
The North Quarter CIA does not have tax increment revenues which have not been expended within 5 years of their receipt.
Are you a commercial business owner or property owner within the North Quarter Corridor Improvement Authority (CIA) Boundary? If so, you may be eligible to apply for the North Quarter CIA Facade Improvement Program.
This committee focuses on streetscape, and public space design and improvements. This committee meets the first Tuesday of the month at 12:00 PM.
Marketing Committee
This committee focuses on promoting the work of the North Quarter CIA and the businesses located in the development area.
If you have an interest in joining a committee or learning more, contact the North Quarter Corridor Representative at
The North Quarter CIA meets monthly on the third Thursday at 4:00 pm.
Kelsey Liebenow
Kelsey Liebenow provides Corridor Management services to the North Quarter CIA. Learn More
ActivCity LLC
ActivCity LLC provides trash maintenance for the two business districts within the North Quarter CIA boundary. Learn More
The North Quarter CIA is included in the City of Grand Rapids Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR).
Kelsey Liebenow